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上传错误了(第2/6 页)

最新言情小说小说: 与谁同?【盾铁】Dont Leave Me Alone无聊没事干的神到了异世界闯荡我们注定的缘分病名为爱《鱼生》短篇小说集【零】论:如何召唤哥哥娶我 (雏咲真冬 x 雏咲深红)天机今天的五毒教还是那么欢脱欲撩一枝柳杏出墙来仙君,我看上你了此去飘零《倚天淫龙记》【武侠同人H】残疾圣骑士与内定的魔卫最春风穿成男二心魔,全书人设都崩了把悲伤埋进秋天正在攻略学渣眼里的顶级高中hidden love(现言女尊 1V1 HE)

as a teacher and could not ignore the students in her class.

"Well, don't worry, Jia Terrier's mother. Let Jia Terrier rest at home for a few days. I'll take you to the principal and react with him.

Ran Qiuye got up with Qinhuai Ru went to the principal's office.

Principal Zhang saw Miss Ran e in with a woman and beckon them to sit down. "Miss Ran, what's the matter?"

Ran Qiuye told the whole story and asked the headmaster what to do.

President Zhang still has some impression on the rod Terrier family. Of course, it is not a good impression. Every year, there is always the name Jia Terrier.

"Jia Terrier's mother, you can rest assured that the school will take care of this matter. Such a big thing happened to students at school, our school is bound to help you solve this problem.

But I still want to say, home education also have to keep up with ah, children naughty is a small matter, but c





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